What is Robusta coffee?

What is Robusta coffee?

Robusta coffee, also known as Coffea canephora, is a type of coffee that is appreciated for its strong flavor and high caffeine content. It is derived from the Coffea canephora plant and makes up about 30% of the world’s total coffee productionRobusta coffee beans are often used in instant coffee due to their affordability. Compared to Arabica coffee, Robusta has a harsh and bitter taste, making it an acquired taste for some coffee enthusiasts. The caffeine content in Robusta coffee is approximately 2.7%, which is higher than that of Arabica coffee.

Key Takeaways:

  • Robusta coffee is characterized by its strong flavor and high caffeine content.
  • It makes up about 30% of the world’s total coffee production.
  • Robusta is known for its affordability and is often used in instant coffee.
  • Compared to Arabica coffee, Robusta has a harsh and bitter taste.
  • The caffeine content in Robusta coffee is approximately 2.7%.

How does Robusta Coffee differ from Arabica Coffee?

Robusta coffee and Arabica coffee are the two most popular species of coffee beans. They differ in taste, caffeine contentproduction, and growing conditions.


Robusta coffee has a stronger and harsher taste compared to the nuanced and aromatic taste of Arabica.

Caffeine Content:

The caffeine content in Robusta is approximately 2.7%, almost double the amount found in Arabica which has about 1.5% caffeine.


Robusta accounts for about 30% of the world’s coffee production, while Arabica makes up the remaining 70%. Robusta is easier to grow and has higher yields, making it more cost-effective.

Growing Conditions:

Robusta can be grown in a variety of environments and is resistant to pests. It thrives in tropical and equatorial climates. In contrast, Arabica requires specific growing conditions including cool subtropical climates, shade, and rich soil. It is more susceptible to pests and diseases.

Robusta CoffeeArabica Coffee
TasteStrong and harshNuanced and aromatic
Caffeine ContentApproximately 2.7%Approximately 1.5%
ProductionApproximately 30%Approximately 70%
Growing ConditionsCan be grown in a variety of environments, resistant to pestsRequires specific growing conditions, more susceptible to pests and diseases

What are the growing conditions for Robusta Coffee?

Robusta coffee requires specific growing conditions to thrive. The Coffea canephora plant is known for its ability to tolerate higher temperatures compared to Arabica coffee. It thrives in temperatures ranging from 21°C to 25°C (70°F to 77°F). This makes it suitable for cultivation in regions with tropical and equatorial climates.

In addition to temperature, Robusta coffee also requires a significant amount of rainfall. It needs an annual rainfall of 2,000 mm to 3,000 mm (80 to 120 inches) to grow successfully. Robusta is more tolerant of higher rainfall levels compared to Arabica, making it less sensitive to fluctuations in moisture.

The specific growing conditions of Robusta coffee, including temperature and rainfall, contribute to its ability to be cultivated in countries such as VietnamBrazilIndonesiaUganda, and India, which have suitable tropical and equatorial climates.

What are the primary producing countries of Robusta Coffee?

Robusta coffee is primarily produced in several countries. The largest producer of Robusta coffee is Vietnam, accounting for a significant portion of the global production. Other major producing countries of Robusta coffee include BrazilIndonesiaUganda, and India. These countries have favorable climates and conditions for the cultivation of Robusta coffee beans, making them key players in the Robusta coffee industry.

CountryProduction (Metric Tons, 2020)

How is Robusta Coffee processed?

Robusta coffee goes through various processing methods to transform the harvested cherries into coffee beans. Two common processing methods for Robusta are honey sundried and pulped natural.

In the honey sundried method, the cherries are spread out in the sun and left to dry with some of the sticky fruit pulp still intact. This process gives the coffee a sweeter and fruity flavor.

In the pulped natural method, the cherries are mechanically depulped, leaving some of the mucilage on the beans. The beans are then dried, resulting in a coffee with a balance between fruity and earthy flavors. These processing methods contribute to the unique taste profiles of Robusta coffee.

What are the health benefits of Robusta Coffee?

Robusta coffee offers several health benefits. Like Arabica coffee, it is rich in antioxidants, including chlorogenic acid, flavonoids, and polyphenols. These antioxidants help neutralize free radicals in the body and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Studies have shown that the antioxidants present in Robusta coffee can have a positive impact on our health. Chlorogenic acid, in particular, may help lower blood pressure and improve heart health. It has also been associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and liver diseases.

Polyphenols, another group of antioxidants found in Robusta coffee, have anti-inflammatory properties and may contribute to a stronger immune system. They can also support brain health and cognitive function.

Robusta coffee’s higher caffeine content can provide a natural energy boost, improving focus and alertness. Caffeine has been shown to enhance physical performance and endurance, making it a popular choice among athletes.

However, it’s important to consume Robusta coffee in moderation. While caffeine has its benefits, excessive intake can lead to negative effects such as jitteriness, anxiety, and disrupted sleep patterns. It’s recommended to limit caffeine consumption, especially in the evening, to ensure a good night’s sleep.

Overall, Robusta coffee offers a range of health benefits, thanks to its antioxidants, chlorogenic acidpolyphenols, and energizing properties. Adding this coffee variety to a balanced diet and lifestyle can contribute to overall well-being.

How is Robusta Coffee used in blends?

Robusta coffee is commonly used in coffee blends to enhance flavor and body. Its strong and bitter taste adds depth to the blend, while its higher caffeine content provides an energy boost. Blending Robusta with Arabica or other coffee varieties can create a unique flavor profile with a balance of acidity, bitterness, and sweetness. Robusta is often used in espresso blends to create a rich and creamy crema. The addition of Robusta can also contribute to the overall complexity of the blend, providing hints of tobacco, dark chocolate, and nutty flavors.

What does Robusta Coffee taste like?

Robusta coffee has a distinct taste profile. It is generally characterized by its bitterness and earthy notes. The flavor can be described as bold, with hints of dark chocolatenuts like almonds, and even whiskey. Robusta coffee adds body to the cup and contributes to a strong, robust flavor. The taste profile of Robusta coffee appeals to those who prefer a stronger and more intense coffee experience.

Taste ProfileDescription
BitternessRobusta coffee has a noticeable bitterness that adds depth and complexity to the flavor.
EarthinessIts earthy notes give Robusta coffee a grounded and rustic taste that appeals to many coffee connoisseurs.
ChocolateRobusta coffee often exhibits flavors reminiscent of dark chocolate, providing a rich and indulgent taste experience.
NutsNotes of nuts, such as almonds, can be found in Robusta coffee, adding a pleasant nuttiness to the overall flavor profile.

How should Robusta Coffee be brewed?

Robusta coffee can be brewed using various methods to bring out its unique flavors and characteristics. Here are three popular brewing methods for Robusta coffee:

Drip Brewing

Drip brewing is a common method used for brewing Robusta coffee. It involves pouring hot water over coffee grounds placed in a filter. The water slowly drips through the grounds, extracting the flavors and oils. This method allows for a well-extracted and balanced cup of coffee, highlighting the robust flavor of Robusta coffee.


Percolation is another popular method for brewing Robusta coffee. In this method, hot water is continuously passed through the coffee grounds, extracting the flavors and creating a strong and rich cup of coffee. Percolation brewing emphasizes the bold taste of Robusta coffee, making it an ideal choice for those who enjoy a robust and intense coffee experience.


Robusta coffee is well-suited for espresso due to its strong flavor and ability to extract well under pressure. When brewing espresso with Robusta coffee, hot water is forced through finely ground coffee beans at high pressure, resulting in a concentrated and flavorful shot. This brewing method brings out the best qualities of Robusta coffee, producing a rich and creamy crema and a strong and robust flavor.

To explore the full potential of Robusta coffee, try experimenting with different brewing methods to find your preferred taste profile. Whether you enjoy a balanced cup of drip coffee, a strong and rich percolated brew, or a bold and intense espresso shot, Robusta coffee can deliver a satisfying coffee experience.

What is the caffeine content of Robusta Coffee?

Robusta coffee is known for its high caffeine content. On average, Robusta beans contain approximately 2.2% caffeine. This is higher compared to the caffeine content of Arabica beans, which is around 1.5%. The higher caffeine content in Robusta contributes to its strong flavor and energizing effects. It is often preferred by those who desire a more potent caffeine kick or need an extra boost of energy throughout the day.

How does the price of Robusta compare to Arabica?

Price, Affordability

When it comes to the price of coffee, Robusta beans have a distinct advantage over Arabica. This is primarily due to the difference in cultivation and production costs between the two varieties. Robusta coffee is known for its easier cultivation and higher yields, making it more cost-effective to produce than Arabica. As a result, Robusta coffee is generally 40-50% cheaper than Arabica coffee, making it a more affordable option for coffee lovers.

The affordability of Robusta coffee has made it a popular choice for various applications. It is commonly used in instant coffee, where cost is a significant factor. The lower price of Robusta makes it an accessible choice for those looking for an economical caffeine fix. Robusta beans are also often used in coffee blends, as they can help to balance out the flavor and provide a robust and strong character to the blend at a lower cost.

However, it’s important to note that the price of Robusta coffee can vary depending on the quality and origin of the beans. Just like with Arabica coffee, there are premium Robusta beans available in the market that can command a higher price. The affordability of Robusta should not be confused with lower quality, as there are excellent Robusta coffees that can deliver a satisfying and flavorful experience.

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