Difference Between Latte and Macchiato

A latte and macchiato sit side by side, showcasing their contrasting layers of milk and espresso

According to a study conducted by the Department of Food Science and Technology at the University of California, Davis, a latte is a coffee drink made with steamed milk and a shot of espresso, while a macchiato is an espresso drink with a small amount of milk. The word “macchiato” means “stained” or “marked” in Italian, referring to the small amount of milk that is added to the espresso shot. In contrast, a latte is a milkier drink that has a higher milk-to-espresso ratio, resulting in a creamier and milder flavor.

The difference in taste between latte and macchiato is significant. A latte has a smoother, creamier taste due to the higher amount of steamed milk, while a macchiato has a stronger and bolder taste due to the espresso shot being more dominant. The choice between the two drinks often comes down to personal preference, as some people enjoy the creaminess of a latte, while others prefer the boldness of a macchiato.

Main Differences

A latte and macchiato sit side by side, showcasing their contrasting layers of steamed milk and espresso. The latte's creamy foam floats atop the coffee, while the macchiato's espresso boldly marks the milk below

When it comes to comparing latte and macchiato, there are a few key differences that set these two popular espresso-based drinks apart.

Milk and Espresso Ratios

One of the main differences between latte and macchiato is the ratio of milk to espresso used in each drink. A latte typically contains a higher ratio of milk to espresso, with a standard serving consisting of 1-2 shots of espresso and steamed milk. In contrast, a macchiato is made with a single shot of espresso and only a small amount of steamed milk, typically just a dollop of milk foam on top. This difference in milk and espresso ratios results in a distinct flavor and texture for each drink.

Layering Technique

Another key difference between latte and macchiato is the layering technique used to prepare each drink. In a latte, the espresso is poured into a cup first, followed by steamed milk, and finally a small layer of milk foam on top. This creates a layered effect that allows the flavors of the espresso and milk to blend together. In contrast, a macchiato is prepared by adding a dollop of milk foam to a shot of espresso, resulting in a more concentrated and intense espresso flavor.

Flavor Profile

The difference in milk and espresso ratios and layering technique used to prepare each drink also affects the flavor profile of latte and macchiato. Lattes are typically smoother and creamier, with a milder espresso flavor and a slightly sweet taste from the steamed milk. In contrast, macchiatos have a bolder and more intense espresso flavor, with a light creaminess from the small amount of steamed milk and foam on top.

A latte and macchiato sit side by side, showcasing the difference in milk and espresso ratios

According to Coffee Guru, “Macchiato have a bold, espresso-dominant flavor due to a higher espresso-to-milk ratio, while Lattes are milder and creamier with more milk.” The difference in flavor profile is also due to the difference in milk and espresso ratios. A traditional latte has roughly two parts milk per one part coffee, while a macchiato only has a small amount of steamed milk and foam on top.

In summary, the main differences between latte and macchiato are the milk and espresso ratios, layering technique, and flavor profile. While both drinks are made with espresso and milk, the difference in preparation and ingredients results in two distinct and delicious drinks that are beloved by coffee lovers around the world.

Preparation Methods

A barista pours steamed milk into espresso for a latte, while a dollop of foam tops an espresso for a macchiato

Latte Preparation

A latte is a popular coffee beverage that is usually made with a shot of espresso, steamed milk, and a layer of frothed milk on top. To prepare a latte, the barista starts by pulling a shot of espresso and then steaming the milk to a specific temperature. The steamed milk is then poured into the espresso shot, followed by a layer of frothed milk on top. The ratio of milk to espresso in a latte is typically 2:1.

According to a study conducted by the University of California, Davis, the temperature of the milk used in a latte is crucial to the taste and texture of the final product. The study found that milk that is steamed too hot can scorch and impart a burnt flavor to the latte, while milk that is not steamed enough can result in a watery and thin latte. Therefore, it is important to steam the milk to the correct temperature to achieve the perfect latte.

Macchiato Preparation

A macchiato is an espresso-based drink that is typically made with a single shot of espresso and a small amount of steamed milk. To prepare a macchiato, the barista pulls a shot of espresso and then adds a small amount of steamed milk to the espresso shot. The ratio of milk to espresso in a macchiato is typically 1:2.

According to research conducted by the University of Michigan, the key to a good macchiato is the quality of the espresso shot. The study found that using freshly ground, high-quality coffee beans results in a better-tasting macchiato. Additionally, the study found that the size of the espresso shot is also important, with a smaller shot resulting in a stronger and more robust macchiato.

In summary, the preparation methods for latte and macchiato differ in terms of the ratio of milk to espresso and the temperature and quality of the milk and espresso used. While a latte requires a higher milk to espresso ratio and a specific temperature for the milk, a macchiato requires a smaller amount of steamed milk and a high-quality espresso shot.

Serving Styles

A barista pours steamed milk into a latte, creating a smooth, creamy layer. In contrast, a dollop of foam sits atop a rich espresso in a macchiato

Latte Serving Style

Lattes are typically served in a clear glass or ceramic cup, allowing the layers of espresso, steamed milk, and foam to be visible. The espresso is poured into the cup first, followed by the steamed milk, and then topped with a layer of foam. This creates a layered effect that is visually appealing. Lattes are often served with latte art, which is a design created in the foam using a technique of pouring the milk into the espresso. The design can range from simple hearts or flowers to more intricate designs.

Macchiato Serving Style

Macchiatos are typically served in a smaller cup, such as a demitasse. The espresso is poured into the cup first, and then a small amount of steamed milk is added, creating a dot or “stain” on top of the espresso. The milk is not mixed into the espresso, but rather sits on top, creating a two-layered effect. The milk foam is then added on top of the milk dot. Macchiatos are often served without any additional decoration or latte art.

According to Tasting Table, the serving style of lattes and macchiatos is one of the biggest differences between the two drinks. While lattes are served in a larger cup with a layered effect and often accompanied by latte art, macchiatos are served in a smaller cup with a simple two-layered effect. This difference in serving style can affect the overall taste and texture of the drink, as well as the overall aesthetic appeal.


Latte Variations

Lattes are a versatile coffee drink that can be customized in many ways. Some popular variations include:

  • Flavored Lattes: Lattes can be flavored with various syrups, such as vanilla, caramel, or hazelnut, to add a sweet or nutty taste.
  • Iced Lattes: Iced lattes are a refreshing twist on the classic latte, perfect for hot summer days.
  • Caffe Breve: Caffe Breve is a latte made with half-and-half instead of milk, giving it a richer, creamier taste.
  • Chai Latte: Chai lattes are made with a spiced tea concentrate and steamed milk, creating a warm and cozy drink with a hint of spice.

According to Lifeboost Coffee, lattes are generally milder and creamier than macchiatos, thanks to the larger amount of milk used in their preparation. The milk can also be frothed to different degrees, creating a range of textures from velvety smooth to thick and creamy.

Macchiato Variations

Macchiatos are a simple and elegant coffee drink, but they can also be customized in various ways. Some popular variations include:

  • Caramel Macchiato: Caramel macchiatos are made with caramel syrup, steamed milk, and a shot of espresso, topped with a drizzle of caramel sauce.
  • Iced Caramel Macchiato: Iced caramel macchiatos are a refreshing twist on the classic drink, perfect for hot summer days.
  • Latte Macchiato: A latte macchiato is essentially the opposite of a traditional macchiato. It is made by pouring steamed milk into a glass, followed by a shot of espresso, which creates a layered effect.

According to The Coffee Guru, macchiatos have a bolder, espresso-dominant flavor due to the higher espresso-to-milk ratio. The milk used in macchiatos is typically just a froth topping, giving the drink a lighter texture and a subtle sweetness.

Cultural Significance

Latte in Coffee Culture

The latte is a popular coffee drink that has become a staple in coffee culture. It is often associated with cafes, hipster culture, and a relaxed atmosphere. The latte is typically served in a tall glass, with a shot of espresso, steamed milk, and a small amount of foam on top. The drink is often sweetened with sugar or flavored syrups, and can be served hot or cold.

The latte has become a symbol of socialization and relaxation in coffee culture. It is often enjoyed with friends or colleagues, and is a popular drink to order during meetings or study sessions. The latte has also become a canvas for latte art, which has become a popular trend in coffee shops around the world.

According to a study by the University of California, the popularity of the latte has grown significantly in recent years. The study found that the latte is the most popular coffee drink in the United States, and is consumed by over 50% of coffee drinkers. The study also found that the latte is more popular among women than men, and is often associated with health and wellness.

Macchiato in Coffee Culture

The macchiato is a popular espresso drink that has a long history in coffee culture. The word “macchiato” means “stained” in Italian, and refers to the small amount of milk that is added to the espresso shot. The macchiato is typically served in a small cup, with a shot of espresso and a small amount of steamed milk on top.

The macchiato has become a symbol of sophistication and refinement in coffee culture. It is often enjoyed by coffee connoisseurs who appreciate the strong flavor of the espresso shot. The macchiato is also a popular drink to order in the morning, as it provides a quick burst of energy and caffeine.

According to a study by the University of Oxford, the macchiato is one of the most popular espresso drinks in Europe. The study found that the macchiato is consumed by over 30% of coffee drinkers in Europe, and is often associated with Italian culture. The study also found that the macchiato is more popular among men than women, and is often ordered by people who are in a hurry.

Overall, both the latte and macchiato have become important symbols in coffee culture. While the latte is often associated with socialization and relaxation, the macchiato is often associated with sophistication and refinement. Both drinks have a rich history and continue to be popular among coffee drinkers around the world.

Choosing Between Latte and Macchiato

When it comes to choosing between a latte and a macchiato, there are a few factors to consider. Both drinks have their unique characteristics and flavor profiles, so it ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Flavor Profile

A latte is a milk-based espresso drink that has a smooth and creamy texture. The milk in a latte is steamed and frothed, which gives it a velvety texture. The espresso shot is then added to the milk, creating a balanced and mellow flavor. On the other hand, a macchiato is an espresso-based drink that has a bold and robust flavor. The espresso shot is topped with a small amount of steamed milk, which adds a touch of sweetness to the drink. The milk in a macchiato is not frothed, so it does not have the same creamy texture as a latte.

Milk Content

Another factor to consider when choosing between a latte and a macchiato is the milk content. Lattes have a higher milk content than macchiatos, which gives them a creamier texture and a milder flavor. Macchiatos, on the other hand, have a higher espresso-to-milk ratio, which gives them a stronger coffee flavor.

Caffeine Content

When it comes to caffeine content, both lattes and macchiatos have the same amount of espresso. However, since lattes have more milk, they have a lower concentration of caffeine per ounce. Macchiatos, on the other hand, have a higher concentration of caffeine per ounce since they have less milk.

In conclusion, when choosing between a latte and a macchiato, it ultimately comes down to personal preference. If you prefer a milder and creamier coffee drink, then a latte may be the way to go. However, if you prefer a bold and robust coffee flavor, then a macchiato may be more up your alley.

What Is a Latte?

A latte is a popular coffee beverage made with espresso and steamed milk. It is typically served in a tall glass and is a staple in many coffee shops. The word “latte” comes from the Italian word “caffè latte,” which means “milk coffee.”

To make a latte, a shot of espresso is first brewed and then mixed with steamed milk. The amount of steamed milk used in a latte is typically more than that used in a macchiato. The ratio of espresso to steamed milk in a latte is usually 1:3 or 1:4, which means that there is more milk than espresso in the beverage.

What Is a Macchiato?

A macchiato is a coffee beverage made with a shot of espresso and a small amount of steamed milk. The word “macchiato” comes from the Italian word “macchiare,” which means “to stain” or “to mark.”

To make a macchiato, a shot of espresso is first brewed and then a small amount of steamed milk is added to “stain” the espresso. The amount of milk used in a macchiato is typically less than that used in a latte. The ratio of espresso to steamed milk in a macchiato is usually 1:1 or 1:2, which means that there is more espresso than milk in the beverage.

Macchiato has a bolder, espresso-dominant flavor due to a higher espresso-to-milk ratio, while lattes are milder and creamier with more milk. Additionally, lattes have a layer of microfoam on top, while macchiatos are topped with a small amount of milk foam.

In summary, the main difference between a latte and a macchiato is the amount of milk used in each beverage. While a latte has more steamed milk, a macchiato has less and is therefore more espresso-dominant.